The energy industry is complex, but the financing doesn’t have to be. We know that it can be difficult to find financing partners who are willing to underwrite post-PPA revenue and other non-traditional revenue sources like community solar and energy storage. Our lending team members are experts in utility-scale and C&I solar, community solar and energy storage project financing nationwide. We offer solar project developers and their tax equity partners a first-class lending experience.
Short term loans can strain your cash flow or keep you from investing in new assets, and short amortizations pose interest rate risk for a long-term held asset. We offer as long as 25-year fixed rate financing and a variety of deal structures that serve both single- and multi-site projects in any U.S. state or territory. We know the program, the process and the players, so we can ensure your financing experience is smooth and efficient. Live Oak offers several financing solutions, depending on your project type.
Community Solar Financing
Live Oak Bank will consider community solar gardens with investment grade, non-investment grade and/or residential subscribers under all types of subscription agreements.
Energy Storage Financing
We finance both solar plus storage projects as well as standalone storage projects. We know the asset class and can provide value with long-term, project-level debt.
Utility Scale Solar Financing
Our solar lending team members are experts in utility-scale and C&I solar, community solar and energy storage project financing nationwide.
Standalone Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) Financing
Live Oak works with developers and their tax equity partners for both construction and permanent financing for standalone battery storage systems across the country. Although our focus is on small to mid-size systems, we will consider all durations of battery and storage technologies. Contact Derek Welsh, for more information.